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Tips to Become a Blogpreneur - Make Money Through Blogs


Tips to Become a Blogpreneur - Make Money Through Blogs

TERMS  blogpreneur is not as popular as the two terms that make them up: blogs and entrepreneurs. However, it could be that many people have become blogpreneur, all at once online business, without realizing that he a blogpreneur.

People who blog, then accepted into a publisher Google AdSense, then, in fact, he has become a blogpreneur.

Likewise, if someone has a blog, join the affiliate program ( affiliate marketing ), which is called blogpreneur.

Generally, the initial motivation blogging (blogging) is merely channeling a hobby write, share ( share ) knowledge or thought, or expression.

Blessing to share, many blogs visited by internet users (users), then came fortune through Google ads (Adsense), Affiliate Marketing, and others.

If occupied even made the mainstay in income, then become full-time blogger as a blogpreneur, namely entrepreneurs through blogging.

At least, there are currently two types of bloggers (Indonesian: blogger )

1. Personal Blogger

Bloggers or writers who simply self-actualize, keep notes of their thoughts, or share their knowledge and experiences through their personal blogs or websites.

2. Business Blogger

Bloggers aim to pioneer or build an online business through blogs, such as online shop blogs or product/service/service promotion blogs.
The majority of bloggers are in the first type but secretly hope to develop their blog into an online business area.

Definition of Blogpreneur

The popular term blogpreneur is “make money blogging” or making money through blogs.

If you create a blog on Blogger , when there are already many blogs visitors, at least 250 unique visitors ( unique visitors per day, the “Earning” menu will appear “(Income) in the Blogger Dashboard to facilitate the admin or blog owner to become a Google Adsense publisher.

Blogpreneur consists of two words, blog and entrepreneur . Blogs are personal websites for sharing experiences, knowledge, and personal branding . Entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs or people who own or manage their own business.

So, blogpreneur is a person who is an entrepreneur or makes money through blogs.

Blogpreneur by page WP Explorer :


/ bläɡprəˈnər /

noun; a person who operates a blog as a business, turning their interests and passion into a full time career, often times taking a financial risk to do so.

My version of Blogpreneur is as follows:

1. Google Adsense Publisher

Put Google ads on blogs. My estimate, based on personal experience … the average income of Indonesian bloggers from AdSense, per month, between 100-500 US dollars.

2. Self-Promotion

Promotion or “sell yourself” by writing ideas, thoughts, and tips about practical communication, media, journalism, radio broadcasting, public speaking, and so on, then the “committee” found me on the internet assessing “this is the speaker/speaker/trainer that we search! “.

Tips to Become a Blogpreneur: Make Money Through Blogs

Make Money From Blog

Within an hour – as allocated by the organizer, I submit a quick tips to become a blogpreneur or make money blogging as follows:

1. Create a Blog

Create a Blog. Make a Blog on Google’s Blogger so that it is directly integrated with AdSense as the primary target and source of income.

2. Choose a Niche Blog : Start with Your Passion!

Choose a niche or topic blog content by passion or talent and interest. Your hobby is football, fill in your blog with info about the ball, with notes: own writing, original, unique, complete, and mention the source if quoting data/information from other sites. If you like cats, then make a blog about cats. If you want music, create a blog about music.

If you are a mechanic, then make a blog with tips about maintenance and overcoming motor vehicle problems. And so on

3. Expertise, Knowledge, and Experience.

Bloggers generally share knowledge, expertise, skills, and experience. Everyone has their expertise, as well as unique experiences. Write it on the blog.
When I want to smoke in a hotel room that says “No Smoking Room,” I googled “smoking in a non-smoking room.”
Some people shared their experiences! Me, too. Listen to Smoking experience in the Hotel Room No Smoking Room.

4. Use SEO!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the primary weapon for bloggers to bring as many visitors as possible.
A Lot of bloggers who share about SEO Tips: start with Basic SEO Tips for Bloggers.
The key to successful blogpreneur is the number of visitors. The more readers, the higher the traffic and PageViews, the greater the chance of becoming an AdSense publisher and getting a passive income from Google’s advertising commission.

5. Intend to Share!

There is exciting advice from successful admin bloggers  Daily Blog Tips. It was mentioned, do not intend to create a blog to make money, but intend to share. Also, read the most popular tips: 28 Ways to Make Money with Your Website.

I remember the phrase  Dave Thomas The more you give, the more you get in return.  The more sharing, the more rewards!

6. Youtube Monetization

If you like making videos, upload them to Youtube, and make money! The term is Video Monetization. You can use AdSense Youtube to be uploaded to the blog.

Blogpreneur is an opportunity for jobless ( jobless  – like me – to “stay alive, “Aka looking for money, supporting himself and family.

Still not enough explanation about tips to become a blogpreneur? Get this book! Message to the publisher: Shades.

This BlogPreneur book is a pocket and practical book for pioneering online business through blogs.

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