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Fast Writing Techniques and Skills | Tips & Tricks | eyed10tjones

Why You Need to Fast Writing Techniques and Skills

Want to be a writer, many things must be considered, in addition to being adept at stringing words, we are also required to be able to arrange these sentences so that they are easy to read.

Being a writing hobby is not easy; all need a process; if you want to write improvised, everyone can do it. An article produced from ideas that come out, and for a writer, gathering ideas and information is very important. Is what will be used as a concept when we write so that the purpose and purpose of our writing can appropriately be conveyed.

In writing, in addition to using delivery techniques, writing effectiveness must also be considered, not to write just one paragraph. We have to spend quite a long time. This often happens, not only for beginners, even professionals who have experienced it. Sometimes the main factor is the distraction that causes ideas that have been thought to be suddenly distracted. This can usually be caused by noise or mood changes.

Many bloggers are competing to publish many articles. Even in one day, there can be as many as 25 pieces. In addition to having lots of ideas, fast writing techniques must also be applied to do this. For me, to write as many articles as that need a lot more practice, because the articles published per day sometimes are at most only two articles in this blog. But I can do two articles in 1-2 hours, but only limited to writing, not yet edited.

Fast writing techniques are needed if you want to produce a lot of articles, fast writing techniques also will not mean anything, if the ideas are not well conceptualized. That is why, before starting to write, try to imagine all these ideas in your head.

“Here, my position is also still learning, but this is a preparation based on the experience I received from the learning process of” fast writing “until now.”

What needs to be prepared to be able to “write fast”

Collecting ideas

As I have stated several times above, ideas are a significant factor in producing an article. Opinions can be obtained by doing a lot of research and reading. The more research and reading, the more sources of references and ideas are obtained to discuss a topic.


To execute the concepts of ideas that we have created, the concentration needed in fast writing. Because as we know, to write, we not only focus on the ideas we have conceptualized, but we must also be able to develop purposes mentioned in a sentence that can be understood by the reader.

The right place when Writing

Abundant ideas alone are not enough to be able to do fast writing techniques; another factor that must be considered is where we will write an article. Because to execute all ideas that have been conceptualized, we need to stay away from things that can disturb us while writing. One of them is noise.

Stable emotions

Before starting to write, it’s good to understand your own emotions. If emotions are not stable, hurt the development of ideas that we will pour in the form of sentences and writing. What is meant here is to run out of words to develop ideas, if emotions are in a state, whether it’s a terrible mood after being angry and others.

Mastering 10 finger typing techniques

This technique is indeed very mandatory, especially in modern times like now, the media for writing articles no longer use typewriters or pens; all are already using a PC. If using a smartphone, the thing that must be mastered is the layout of the letters.

Increase the vocabulary

Increasing vocabulary is very easy. We only need to train it by reading lots of articles or writings of experienced writers.

The style of language used.

How to convey and style the language of formal writing is different from our language style when writing on blogs. The official language style is generally used for a study. If writing blog articles or other non-formal articles, we need to pay attention to determine the language, namely the target audience.

Mastering the topic of discussion

Mastering the topics that will be discussed is our capital when we want to conceptualize the ideas that we will put forward. If the issues we discuss are less mastered, then the ideas that will be conceptualized become inaccurate and not properly structured.

For someone who wants to master the technique of writing fast, then some of the above must be learned in a way, a lot of practice. Sometimes ideas arise suddenly, and sometimes they suddenly disappear. This happens not only for those of us who are just learning to write fast but also to people who are used to writing fast. Mastering fast writing techniques is easy and difficult. It will be effortless if we know what to prepare before doing fast writing techniques.

By the way, I wrote this article in my room, where I used neon that has a light green light, with a glass of coffee on the left on the right, without anyone being able to distract me.

Hopefully, this article can be useful.

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