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11 Determinants of YouTube Video Ranking in Search Results | eyed10tjones

11 Determinants of YouTube Video Ranking in Search Results

YouTube site now is not just a site for watching and sharing videos. Still, youtube is now one of the places to gain dollars from the Internet. By only using the videos that you upload, you can make money through cooperation with Google Adsense advertising media for Google’s youtube. If the video you upload has a lot of views and your youtube channel has a lot of subscribers or subscribers, then you can be sure you will get a chance to get a better income from youtube.
Get a lot of YouTube views or views on your video. Your video must be easy to find in YouTube search results, at least the video must be able to appear on the first page of YouTube search. Still, the problem will be that there are lots of competitors for the video titles you upload. Millions of videos are uploaded every day, which means competitors will be increasingly difficult.
But even though the competition is increasingly difficult to win the race is certainly not impossible. One way is to involve  SEO optimization on your YouTube video. If the video is copyright with well, then it is not unlikely that your video will always be perched on the first position of youtube search or at least appears on page 1 of the youtube search engine. So that your video has the potential to get an abundant view, especially the video keywords you are after, are popular will undoubtedly remarkable.
To do SEO optimization on YouTube videos, you certainly are not just actions without rules. At least there is a reference to the approach that you should refer.
 This professional YouTuber is not a difficult thing, because it could be the experience of providing enough information on how to optimize YouTube video SEO techniques. 
That is most appropriate, but for beginner YouTubers, most likely do not know how to optimize their YouTube videos.
One of the best references for SEO optimization on YouTube videos is to know the approach determining factor of YouTube ranking.
Especially for you in this article, I will present the ranking factors on YouTube videos, description  SEO on YouTube videos, which I will show in the section next time. 
This is based on the results of an analysis of 1.3 million videos conducted by several SEO world practitioners, which had previously been presented in one of the backlinks articles.

11 Determinants of Youtube SEO

Here are 11 determinants of seo youtube in order to get the best video ranking in youtube video search results:

# 1. Very Strong Video Comments Define your youtube video rank

For YouTuber, it is strongly recommended to display comments on each of your YouTube videos and comment moderation.
Always to monitor spam comments, because it turns out comments on YouTube videos are very strongly related in determining your YouTube video ranking factors in YouTube search results.
Of course, comments that are referred to a comment relevant to the contents of the video, natural and quality comments and not spam comments.
If your video gets a lot of comments from viewers of your video, then remember to publish comments that are considered relevant and quality, because more and more comets then.
This is one of the chances that your video will be easier to find in the best position of the YouTube search page, so make a video that can provoke relevant and quality comments from your YouTube viewer.

# 2 – Long video duration Dominate videos with short duration

The second, the factor that you can refer to SEO optimization on your YouTube video, is the video’s duration, if you make your own YouTube video, then pay attention to the length of the video.
Because it turns out the video’s duration is very related in determining the ranking of videos in YouTube search results and based on research for popular keywords, videos that have more extended periods can dominate videos with short duration.
So what is the most ideal video duration to be able to compete?
Facts from the results of several SEO practitioners, it is known that the average video with the most potential to occupy the first page of YouTube search is
Videos with a minimum duration of 8 minutes 50 seconds
The reason is that videos with long duration have more potential to be watched longer, and Google’s statement reinforces this: “watch time” is a ranking signal for your youtube video. The longer the viewer indicates that your video is interesting. The duration of the video will significantly influence the length of watching.
So for you YouTuber, one that must be considered when making your YouTube videos to be able to appear in the best position on YouTube search results is, try that the video that you made is original.
It is exciting and has a long enough duration. It is highly recommended to have a minimum duration of 14 minutes, 50 seconds, the longer the duration, the better, and what you should always remember is the quality of the content.
Because even if the duration is extended if the content presented is certainly not going to have any effect on your video ranking.

# 3 – Video Share It really determines your video’s ranking

The next is video share to social media, it turns out that video share is very related in determining the ranking position of videos in search results, although it seems that the YouTube algorithm works independently, YouTube itself provides facilities to share videos to several social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google + and other social media.
And based on the analysis of the facts it turns out that videos that get a lot of shares will be able to beat videos that share a little, the more videos shared to social media then the video ranking will get better, specifically for those who do share through the sharing facilities found on the video on the YouTube site
Therefore, for you YouTubers who like to produce videos and also upload videos pay attention to video quality, because to get a share of your viewers naturally through the sharing facilities contained in your video, it is not an easy matter, they will share voluntarily without you telling you if Your video is considered quality and suitable for sharing.

# 4 – Number of View Videos related to your video rank

The next factor that you can refer to your video to get the best ranking in YouTube search results is the number of views or the amount of viewers who watch your videos.
When associated with the audience, The number of views on the actual video cannot be an indicator that the video presented is of high quality. So the YouTube algorithm emphasizes more factors audience retention and engagement that you can see in your YouTube account statistics.
But, for popular keywords, the number of views is highly correlated and affects the ranking of your video, meaning that the more pictures in a video, the video ranking will improve.

# 5- Number of Chanel subcriber Not very influential

The number of subscribers is known to be very related to YouTube video rankings. Still, it does not have a significant impact, meaning this is good news for beginner YouTubers who have new channels that are not old and do not yet have a Subscriber.
Because the fact is known that even though the channel does not have the Subscriber which in many cases can beat videos from channels that have many customers.
Videos from channels with a lot of subscribers have excellent potential to get the best position in YouTube search results. Still, other factors can beat the video from these channels, namely video quality, and video quality turns out to be prioritized over the number of subscribers. So videos from channels that have a small number of subscribers will be able to beat a video with a lot of subscribers if the video is more qualified.

# 6 – Number of Like Videos Very influential on your video’s ranking

In addition to your video view, it also has facilities to interact with your YouTube video viewers, like and dislike buttons. This button can be used to rate your video. The theory is if the video gets a lot of likes, it means the video can be considered exciting and quality in the eyes of YouTube viewers.
Everyone likes and dislikes of your YouTube viewers will continue to be counted. If it is associated with video rankings in YouTube search results, it is known that with popular keywords. It turns out that the number of likes is not just theory, based on the fact that more videos get likes from viewers youtube then the video will be easier to compete for the best position in search results.
So for you YouTuber, you must be able to present videos that get lots of likes from your YouTube viewers, both. Bay the way, you are persuaded, and by natural means, the more likes on your video then the means the potential of your video to get the best position in YouTube search results will be better.

# 7 – Number of Subscription Driven

I have difficulty understanding subscription-driven translations in Indonesian, understandably not proficient in English. The illustrations: If the video you present is exciting and quality in the viewers’ eyes, then it could be that viewers who watch your videos will have the potential to become subscribers or subscribe to your videos. It turns out if the majority of every viewer who watches your video subscribe, it means your subscription-driven video is excellent.
Videos that have a good number of subscription-driven will be able to increase the reputation of the video so that your footage will be found in search results on the main page. And the fact is that this is the case that videos that have a good number of subscription-driven can beat a video channel with a small amount of subscription-driven.
To get a good subscription-driven, you must present a quality and exciting video. You can invite you to subscribe to your video, making it possible to get subscribers from every viewer of your video.

# 8 – Video tags don’t affect YouTube video rankings
The tickets that we put on the YouTube video will be the meta keywords for the youtube video page, and the good news is that.
YouTube still applies metadata tags, including keyword tags for video pages, unlike articles where the meta keywords are no longer valid.
Most YouTubers know that one of the ways to increase the relevance of YouTube videos to a variety of possible relevant keywords is to insert multiple tags in the uploaded YouTube video. But it turns out that the card that is entered does not affect the ranking of your YouTube videos. Meaning that there is still influence, but it is tiny.
In my opinion, to increase the video’s relevance to search keywords, the tag must also be considered because it still influences the video to get the best position. But don’t focus too much; what you should focus on is the factors that influence your video ranking.

# 9 – Keyword in the Video Title Is slightly related to YouTube video ranking

Video titles are usually the target of SEO optimization for YouTube videos but based on the analysis conducted by some SEO practitioners on 3.1 million videos. The title has only a small impact; the title only increases the relevance of the video to keywords, but not the main factor that can determine your video’s range in YouTube search results.
Even so, still, I think the title should get attention, make it as relevant as possible to the contents of the video that you make because it can improve the reputation of the video in the eyes of visitors, at least the title and also good video content can increase the click, like and several subscription for the video those of you who are very influential on the range of your video.

# 10 – Keywords in video descriptions have no relationship to video rankings in search results

We know that for video optimization many suggest putting keywords in the title, tags and also video decryption specifically for keywords in the video description does not have any effect on the video rankings in search results, keyword decryption is only to increase video relevance in search results
So it is said to understand the content and assess the quality of your videos nowadays. YouTube does not solely rely on the keyword factors that you put in the title, tags, or description of your video. There are many other factors, keywords in the video title, tags, and description, only to increase relevance to search keywords.

# 11- HD Video dominates Search Ranking

There are many types of quality video file types and also the size of videos that you can upload, as I explained in the previous article about The best video format and size to upload to your YouTube channel. If you are thinking about wanting to get the best position for your video, the video format you have to upload is the HD video format.
Based on the analysis, it turns out that, for popular keywords, HD quality video is more dominant in getting the best position in search results.

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